Listified! by Andrew Pettie, Hardcover, 9781912920747 | Buy online at The Nile
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Britannica's 300 lists that will blow your mind

Author: Andrew Pettie and Britannica Group  


Brought to you from the team at Britannica Books, Listified! contains 300 surprising and ingenious lists that will blow your mind.

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Brought to you from the team at Britannica Books, Listified! contains 300 surprising and ingenious lists that will blow your mind.

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Brought to you from the team at Britannica Books, Listified! has more than 300 surprising and ingenious lists that will blow your mind. Enter the listiverse and get ready to see the world in a whole new way. Listified! takes the best and most amazing parts of the universe – erupting volcanoes, medieval machines, jumping spiders, exploding stars and everything in between – and organises them into quirky list form for curious kids and their friends and family to enjoy. Brought to life by Andrés Lozano’s imaginative and hilarious artworks, each list presents subjects from new and unexpected angles. Ever wondered which 10 dinosaurs were the largest, and what they weighed… in cats? Or how much of your DNA you share with other animals… and bananas? Let Listified! take you on a journey with Britannica’s 300 lists that will blow your mind about everything from the human body, to prehistoric creatures, planet Earth, outer space and the mysteries beyond.

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Critic Reviews

"A treasure trove of fun and fantastic facts!" -- Michael Morpurgo "Bright, fun and with an absolute ton of information, Listified! is the ultimate 'Dip In and Learn Something' book. It has everything you need to know - and a million things you'd be delighted to discover." -- Dara O'Briain "Fascinating. Read on, and be amazed!" The Times "Listified! is crammed full of child-pleasing facts. My son loves it - and constantly interrupts whatever I am doing to tell me about them." -- Michael Deacon The Daily Telegraph "Jam-packed with fascinating information and full of enough facts and trivia to keep any curious child - and their parents - eager to dip in and out for more." -- Martin Chilton Chief Book Critic at The Independent "If you enjoy quirky trivia, you'll find plenty here with which to amaze your family and friends." The Week Junior's Book of the Week "Spectacular and highly accessible, Listified! is a standout school library book or gift to stand the test of time." The School Reading List's Non-Fiction Book of the Month "Brilliant... a joy... every page you turn you learn something awesome. My mind was definitely blown. Listified! is a book to get lost in and a fact-filled wonder. I loved it." Fun Kids Radio June Book of the Month 2021

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About the Author

Andrew Pettie is a writer, editor and journalist who has contributed to The Times of London, The Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph, where he was Head of Culture. Andrew has also been a contributory writer for reference works by Encyclopaedia Britannica and What on Earth Books. He studied at St Peter's College, Oxford University.

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Product Details

What On Earth Publishing Ltd | Britannica Books
1st July 2021


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